
And Again! Event Photos (February 2020)

In February 2020, The Arts Village hosted this exhibition of pieces created with recycled textiles.


‘And Again!’ was a powerful art exhibition that showcased creative uses of recycled textiles, brought to life by a talented group of textile artists living in, or connected to, the Rotorua Region.

The show highlighted the skills and creativity put into reusing, recycling and up-cycling textiles and different ways of reducing waste. At least 90% of the materials used for the artworks on exhibition were recycled and repurposed textiles.

‘And Again!’ was on exhibition from 1 February to 22 February 2020 and the project was supported by funding from Creative Communities Scheme Rotorua and Rotorua Civic Arts Trust.

Here are some photographs from the event:

And Again! Opening Night


And Again! Workshop


Grace McQuoid at work

Scarf Leaf Bowl by Annette Bates

Anzac Quilt by Liz Pearce


Wrapped Stones by Liz Pearce


Lamps by Natascha Hartzuiker – with Steve Chadwick
